Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week 34

"Mommy and Daddy have been spending a lot of time on the lake. We were able to get the boat into a slip so its much easier for me to get on and off with you. We have been doing a lot of floating in the cool water. It feels so nice to be weightless and relax on the raft as the sun goes down. Next year, you should be old enough for some boating of your own…although we will have to wait to teach you to water ski or tube but if you’re anything like Daddy, we won’t be able to keep you out of the water for long. We are already planning our lake adventures for next year and looking at extra safe life jackets for you."



Looks like you are ready for this world. Hope that cove has a lot more water in it next year.
blessings to you and your family in the days to won't be long !!!!

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